The dry grass is trying to hide specks of color. The first bright sightings in months.
Children have these eagle eyes and can spot almost indistinguishable moments of beauty.
Heralds of the end of grey!
Conjuring up the smell of summer is easy now. Sunscreen, hot cars, warm skin and hopefully a little salt water. Hours spent filling up buckets of water and re-inflating the wading pool. Our thick blue and white blanket will come out of storage and begin hosting picnics again...accompanied by a hunt for new shady spots to lounge under. The sandbox will need a washing and a fresh infusion of sand. Open windows in the mornings and humming fans. The hiking trails will take on a new life and we can ramp up our walks again.
Our walks! A craving for slow, meandering walks has been building inside of me. Our quick, wind blown jaunts have been energizing but not quite as satisfying as returning sweaty and tired after hours of exploring. (versus coming home with fingers frozen from wet, sucked on gloves.)
The last weeks of cold and tea (so much tea) and warm sweaters and climbing into a chilly bed at night are going to be enjoyed, though! This winter has been cozy. It seems every activity one season takes away is replaced with another just as meaningful. Story time in the tent and cuddling, spices and baking and watercolor sessions have made every grey day worth it and brightened up our time indoors.
There is something important about slowing things down and turning thoughts and energy inwards during the colder month. Not a drowsy, unaware hibernation, but a time of simplification and deliberateness. That much, I feel we have accomplished. Now ramping up time is near...