Deux candles for my boy

A birthday is not complete without balloons.
I asked Owen yesterday what he'd like to eat for his birthday dinner.
He requested chicken. And then rice. I asked if some stewed peas would work too and got a nod. So I made dahl to add in some vegetation. (for the first time...thanks Headleys for the recipe! I need to practice but it was a start)
Now...asking Owen what he wants to eat tomorrow is tricky. Asking Owen what he wants to eat right now is tricky. His favorite food today is his worst enemy tomorrow. As in: "why would you feed me that - are you trying to kill me?? Do you hate me??
Which is why I just can't ask. I make food and he eats it. Or not.
But, in the spirit of birthday generosity, I made his requested foods. And, VERY surprisingly, he loved it. Ate every bite. Add in that he had knowledge that cupcakes were waiting and this becomes a birthday miracle. Either that or he has confirmed my suspicion that children just love Caribbean food.

Yes...that is chicken in a bowl. Fancy.

Owen could hardly wait for us to stop singing before devouring his 'cakie'. Chocolate cake with cream cheese icing - he is his father's son.
It was a nice family birthday celebration. His present isn't quite finished...but that just means a longer celebration, right?