Don't you want to eat her?
Everly is two months old. It's been a slow two months...slow in a really good way. I've actually doubted my counting...thinking surely she must be older. Thankfully no. I still have a nice small cuddly baby to smooch and hold.
- is very relaxed (in my opinion at least). She's rarely unhappy for more than a minute.
- still prefers sleeping. And, completely opposite from Owen, she usually falls asleep faster if left alone. Rocking or walking works, but takes longer. (Babies are all crazy - who can figure them out.)
- also prefers sleeping when it's noisy. Music please!
- is still very bald. :)
- smiles quickly. But has a super cute frown that I kind of like seeing.
- is dressed in way more pink than I think is necessary. Seriously. I have a bone to pick with baby clothiers.
- has her father's beautiful eyes. (Color to be determined.)
The list sounds a little too good to be true. I've tried to think of something quirky or inconvenient to balance it out but anything I'd put would be a lie. She is a complete sunbeam - perfect for these grey, cloudy winter days.
It really has been a happy two months.
she's precious!!! can't wait to meet her in person!! :)