Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 Happy Months

These were taken on the 3rd...but kinda posted late.

I can totally see  Jon's smile in this photo.  It's hard to choose a close-up of my almond-eyed sweetie pie.  She's also got Jon's twinkly eyes.

More and more on the go.  I like how the little doll is in the same pose.  

Everly is well past 10 months now.  Lots of big milestones being reached this month.

One interesting thing that I noticed recently is that she copies sounds much faster than she copies movements.  She tries to sign 'please' and ends up clapping her hands.  But I tell her that a cow goes 'mooooo' and she gets it on the first try. (Owen was much more physical - he picked up sign language pretty fast and took longer to copy sounds.)  It pretty much fits with our sense that she'll be a worshiper.  I have a feeling that she'll be singing a lot in short order.

Love you Evers.

1 comment:

Hi there!