Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What's Cooking

Whole Wheat Pasta with Creamy Pesto Sauce of course!

Wow - so good.  Thanks to the Well Rounded Pregnancy Cookbook.  I adjusted it to meet my tastes...but it's pretty basic.

Pine nuts, parmesan cheese, a little pecorino romano (my call), olive oil, garlic, and half basil half spinach (my call again - I love spinach and find it cuts the too strong basil flavor).  

The creamy part is sautéed garlic and spinach with cream.  Stir it all up and there you go!

If anyone ever wanted the exact measurement/quantities of the ingredients they could leave a comment.  I have a memory like a steel trap so I don't need them.  I also have the cookbook since the last statement is a complete lie. 

1 comment:

  1. Trust me everyone, I liked it.. and if I liked it (with spinach in it) then it's good as gold


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