Then again, that might ruin the fun of finding out who this tiny person is little by little. Some people say they figured out certain characteristics of their child before they were born. My friend Erin's daughter was a wild child in the womb, flipping and flapping and whirling about in her watery home. On dry land she's the same way - performing in one long, constant dance.
I guess I can see the same continuity of character in Owen. In the womb Owen (or Whn) was mellow. He kindly let me sleep at night and his movements seemed more like exploration than exercise. Now that he's here, unrestricted by all my other organs, he definitely moves around more. When he's excited his arms and legs pump and kick like he's running a marathon. But he is still quite the calm and laid back baby. He loves to observe and early on he would silently stare at a particularly attractive toy for 20 or 30 minutes, happily sticking his tongue out as he is prone to do when in deep concentration.
This past week Jon and I noticed that lately when we put on the carrier and go for a walk he cranes his neck to see past our chests, or throws his head back to watch the trees and sky. So today I sat him face out. He met with world with quiet, wide eyes - taking in everything in perfect stillness. I managed to clip all of his fingernails (no small task - can I get a 'what-what!' from all the moms!) while he was distracted by nature.
Ah babies - I'll never get over how wonderful they are - each one that I know is tiny gem slowly turning and exposing another facet to surprise you.
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