Monday, May 4, 2009

All That and a Bag of Chips


You just finished your last translation of the semester.  Here's to a job well done!  I watched you hang in there even as Nassar drained your brain - drop by drop.  But you did it - you finished strong and I'm proud of you.   Now you can enjoy a well deserved break and let that grey matter regenerate.  

116 credits down - 4 to go!  (Tennis class anyone?)  

I love you.


  1. seriously! can't you take the history of art or a film class? Give the noggin time to recover! way to go bro, proud of you too. now two of us is edjumacted


  2. seriously cant you take are history or film, give your noggin a break? congrats bro I'm proud of you! now two of us is edjumacted

  3. congrats Jon! Summer break is so rewarding after working so hard...we can all enjoy it together :)


Hi there!