Watching him grow and change and be fascinated by all that's around him has been a constant and growing reminder of what it means to be childlike.
Owen will take a long time to study something then suddenly he goes for it. Lately, it's been our food or something we're drinking, or basically anything that we have... he wants to hold and touch it as well. You can almost see in his expression or the look in his eyes that "I want to be just like you" face. And when he gets his hands on whatever it is... your cup, your spoon, dad's glasses... it's like there's a joy of just holding that thing and seeing what it feels like.
And I think... how much am I like that? How much do I take for granted the things that get placed in my hands every day? Where's my child-like-ness?
But then there's the other part... the short-attention-span part. After about 5 minutes, that wondrous thing he has is suddenly not all that wondrous and he's ready to move on to the next thing that dad or mom is holding.
And I think... how do I begin teaching him about valuing what he has and not always needing the next-best-thing?
(Of course, I remind myself that he's only 5 months ago... but how young is too young to start having those conversations... I've started already)
So five months old and he's more interesting and engaging with each passing day. Tonight he's sleeping on his stomach for the very first time. It makes my heart well-up with pride when I see him doing new things... growing up. I look forward to the walking and the talking... the running and the jumping... the bumps and the bruises... and finally reaching that place of manhood when he stands before me - on his own two feet - ready to take on life, with the strength of God inside of him... and our love and care supporting him.
I can't imagine how my heart will burst with pride that day.
For right now, I'm happy with his sleeping on his belly. Each journey begins with a first step... and he's on his way to becoming.
It is never too early to start teaching them the values you want them to have, sometimes you may get frustrated that they just aren't getting it; keep at it because it will pay off eventually. Cherish all that you can at this time of life because before you know it they will be a teenager and all grown up.