About as cute as you can get.
10 months already? Owen is one happy walking camper. He's venturing farther and farther on his own - soon I'll need to start a training program to keep up with him.
He's definitely looking and acting more like a toddler and less like a baby every day. I'm glad that I cherished his baby days because they are gone brother, gone.

Some fun things he's into:
Eating mostly what we eat...so easy - for all involved.
Saying Durka,durka,durka (Jessica: I taught him this because of Clara)
Offering me toys to eat
It's awesome.
You are such a great little boy Owen! It really has been 10 very happy months.
PS: dear Owen's top teeth, I really wish you would quit flirting and just come in. Every time I see a little piece of tooth break through the skin the gums swell up and it looks super painful. Seriously...it's been weeks now. Do your thing. It's so sad watching the little guy grate food with his bottom teeth just to avoid biting down on you.
PPS: dear sickness that infected Gina, Owen, Jon, and finally got me tonight, GO AWAY. Yes - it is super cute when Owen tries to talk with his gravely, hoarse voice, and maybe his lost ability to squeal in a piercingly high pitch has been nice, but we are done with you. I'll take a happy, healthy squealing baby over a sad, sick quiet one any day.
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