Ever since we visited the Baltimore Aquarium when I was a child it has been a certain fascination for me. I think everyone has those larger than life memories of places that amazed them when they were young. It had probably been 15 or 20 years since I'd been but that didn't stop me from recommending it to friends as an awesome aquarium. I remembered the blue columns of bubbles and the spiraling ramp that led you down through the coral reefs to the shark level.
Given my small obsession - it's a little sad that it took us so long to visit once we moved to Baltimore. I mean, we live about a mile away. We can walk there.
To be fair - it is super expensive. Taking the whole group of us gets close to $100.
When Jon's dad, Molly and little William came out in March we took advantage of their visit to buy a family membership. It was like opening the floodgates. I've taken Owen at least 4 times in the past month.
But it's just such an awesome place to take a little toddler. Some visits we've spent most of our time weaving in and out of the bubble tubes. Or just visited the jellyfish. Or took our time checking out the tiny shield shrimp. It's perfect for short trips, exercise, and short attention spans.

You can't tell - but these are GIANT fish. They could probably eat Owen.

The jelly fish are awesome. Did you know that jelly fish have no brain?

The bubble columns. Yes. Maybe the best part.
The only thing we have left to see is the dolphin show. Gina, Owen, and I walked down yesterday just to see it but we got there after it was sold out. But we managed to score some awesome spots at one of the underwater viewing stations and had a superb view of the underside of the show. Which is still very cool. The dolphins are so big and it was amazing to see them propel themselves out of the water.
If you're planning a visit to Baltimore - definitely include the aquarium. But call us first so we can go too. Although we might be there anyway.