When we moved into our appartment back in June there were a few minor cosmetic details that I was willing to overlook. The carpets are pretty stained...but I have a toddler and spills are a matter of 'when' not 'if'. The back door didn't open without significant heaving but our landlady promised to fix/replace it (yay!!! Finally done!!!). Not all the light switches work but there are a surplus in every room. Not a big deal.
And finally - the linoleum in the kitchen was super worn. It's greying in spots where the traffic is highest. Not super pretty but functional, and it's just a rental - right? At least it's clean.
I have cleaned it 1 to 3 times a WEEK since we've lived here (see above toddler comment). Cleaned as in on my hands and knees scrubbing with pinesol or vinager. And trust me - Owen knows how to throw the stickiest substances into the smallest cracks of linoleum. The boy is a professional. So after spending lots of time scrapping, scrubbing, soaking, prying, scrubbing some more and buffing - I was pretty confident that the floor was clean.
Until today.
Owen and I were 'playing' wash the floor this morning. We both had our wet paper towels - scrubbig away at the dirty spots on the floor. Just to ramp it up a bit (I mean - water's ok but if he's gonna play we might as well get some extra cleaning action, right?) I sprinkled a little baking soda on the spot we were working on.
I was a tad bit shocked to discover that the floor isn't actually super worn.
Nope. It's just dirty.
As in, ground in, someone didn't wash the floor for YEARS type dirty.
I spent the next 30 minutes slowly uncovering our real floor. I only got about 12 little squares done before lunch. This might take awhile.
No 'clean-queen' trophy is in my future, apparently. Or 'most observent' superlative.
On the plus side - Owen's immune system HAS been getting a little more of a workout than I thought.
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