My Everly is three months old. Still a baby but no longer an infant. At least the way I see it. Right on time for that transition too - she's developed both a set of cubby thighs AND the ability to have short conversations with me. The feeling of looking into your baby's eyes as they squeal and sing in an attempt to communicate with you is beyond description. That moment of recognition and playful replication of happy noises. It's amazing and so bonding.
For the last few days I've smiled every time I think of Everly. Images of her gummy smile flittered through my head while running errands and my heart swelled as I realized how grateful I am to be able to see that smile for the rest of my life.
She is my joy.
A few things about the three month old Ever:
- She loves blowing bubbles. Her constantly slimy chin is proof.
- She still sleeps most of the day. She perks up a little between 4 and 8 - but still manages to take a short cat nap or two in those hours.
- She loves to be snuggled in the evenings. Morning naps are best in her swing but arms only after 8 please.
- You know that you've hit a special high when you get her wrinkled nose smile. It's adorable.
- Loves Owen, her dad (obviously), the cat, and pretty much every person she meets. I love her quick smile.
- Has traces of a brownish color around her pupils. Not sure what the final color will be - they're still grey for now.
- Aaaannnd...she's still bald as the day she was born.
She's so beautiful, Emily! And I love the pic of her & Owen! I am SO anxious to see them (and you)...going to see gran #1 in April and then I'm gonna start making plans to the NE!