I sent Jon this picture of Owen today and his response was "You've got him in regular clothes!!!" (with all three exclamation points because he was that excited).
Now, I have been dressing the poor child. He's been in all types of infant sleepwear, from footed pjs to darling sleeping sacks. But no onesies until today. No pants either.
We have all this cute little clothing in the dresser...I just didn't want him to wear them. And I think I've traced it back to a bad case (just ask my wonderful, super understanding mother-in-law) of baby blues after Owen was born. Not only did I cry over pretty much everything ("look how beautiful that cloud is...sniff, sniff") but one sure fire way to get me going was to mention Owen growing up. Why does he need to grow up? He's so perfect and tiny right now. Somehow "regular" clothes were symbolic of him growing up. Yeah - it's just a onesie...but to me that was totally pushing it. What's next, a studded leather jacket? Button up shirts with ties?
Now that I've emerged (am emerging) from the weepy haze of early motherhood I'm seeing that even though I'd love to keep him at this stage - there is WAY more value in him growing up. I love cuddling him but I'll love watching him impact his world even more. I love his tiny nose but more than that I need him to grow up in wisdom and maturity - to become a man worth emulating (like his dad). After all...if you're still changing diapers at 25 it's not so cute anymore.
So bring on the regular clothes. But that's not going to stop me from cuddling him any time soon.