This afternoon Owen did not want to sleep. He was fighting it hard. I'd rock and his little eyelids would droop and then pop wide open. I gave his forehead a baby massage and got 'this close' to putting him out. He was even impervious to the bottom patting (my great grandmother's secret weapon apparently). This kid was tough. He finally started fussing a bit and I was about to resort to the ultimate baby sleep inducer - food.
As I stood up and walked over to change his diaper first I noticed he calmed down. I had literally walked five steps and he had fallen asleep.
Later, Angela brought Liam over to go for a walk with us. Again, Owen made it about five steps past the door before he was out.
As we walked and talked, something Ang said reminded me of how, even as adults, we can sometimes fight the very thing that we really need. Sometimes we honestly don't realize it's what we need and sometimes we are just plain stubborn. I've gone around and around before - doing everything except the thing I know I need to.
Apparently Owen is like me...going for walks really helps clear our minds and get our priorities straight.
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