Warning: baby in image is smaller than she appears.
Jon had an early hockey game the other evening which means single-parent double-duty at bedtime. Exhausted the big one, over-fed the little one and managed a simultaneous de-waking. Don't ask me how or if I can do it again.
Any parent will verify that juggling bedtime is an art. You have to get the child in bed just after the energy is spent and just before they melt down (due to the lack of energy). You have to be scarily precise and it RARELY goes off without at least one crying fit (sometimes the child, sometimes the parent).
We were probably three mini-melt downs into the bedtime routine. Nooooo! Not a bath!!! Nooooo! Not take-the-shirt-off time!!! Noooo! Not the socks too!!!! Thankfully these are mini melts; half hearted protests easily ended via a distraction (Listen! Was that a FIRE SIREN?! No? Oh well!)
Ever leaked through her diaper. Again. The girl is an artist and an activist. Freedom for poo! A bath was needed before putting her to bed. But I also needed him to be asleep to give her a bath and needed her to be asleep to get him asleep. DILEMA!
Solved by plopping her the bath with him. Why not! She has almost mastered head control.
Owen thought it was awesome and has wanted to play "train" every time she's on the floor with us since.
And that is the story behind this photo.