Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We are back now. Back from traveling to other lands, sleeping in other beds, riding in other cars, being awake at other times, eating other foods, meeting other people, seeing other sights, experiencing more life.
It has been one of the most wonderful summers and I wish I could do some sort of mind meld with everyone to let them experience the places and faces and smells and tastes.
And most importantly the deep change that we took home as a souvenir.
It's a season of change anyway, right? And if nothing else gets branded in my spirit from these trip this will: God is sovereign.
That phrase changes everything. Absolutely nothing is left untouched.
It sums up our travels.
(Heck, it makes sense of our past and defines our future. But that's for another day.)
I'll try to show some pictures (from the few that I took between toting a baby and running with a toddler) and summarize our fun. But it's safe to say that more important things happened then seeing giraffes or eating gelato. Although that was fun...and yum. Gelato...mmmmm.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Father and Son

I love this picture of Jon and Owen. We were taking our evening walk around the ponds when we came across piles of giant green walnuts. Owen, ever on the prowl for things to throw, was enamored. Even more so when I told him that we could throw some in the pond. We made two trips back to the treasure trove for more.
Jon was teaching Owen proper throwing technique...the boy managed to chuck them pretty far into the water too. It's a little father son moment that got stored in my heart. I'm looking forward to more and more of them as Owen gets older. He's got such a great father in Jon.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
In the summer...

...sometimes you have to walk around in just your diaper. Especially when you're eating a chocolate covered pretzel...
...and your mom forgets to pack an extra pair of shorts and then lets you drink two whole cups of water without first checking your diaper status.
I mean - this is where the low slung pants style is headed anyway, right?
Yes. Leslie and Taylor got to see what type of mom I REALLY am. Namely, forgetful.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It can be so easy to put her in a holding pattern of sorts while I deal with Owen or dishes or laundry or emails or the phone or, or, or. I'm sure parents of two or more children can relate. Heck, parents of one child can probably relate. You get so used to the infant stage when they really just need to sleep, eat, and cuddle a little.
But she's not an infant any more. She's picking up more and more about the world around her. She's engaging in things and interacting with people and developing a personality. Cue the sponge stage, right?
And, even though she's an 'easy' baby I can't abuse her personality. I've been sensing the need to invest more in her. To take the time to look her in the eyes and connect with her. To read the books to her and play in the mirror with her and sing the songs to her and pray with her.
It's another delicate balance with Owen around but one that is easy to find the edge of when I let God do the directing.
It's such a privilege to steward this little life and help it unfold.
While we were in Trinidad Owen attended a summer camp led by one of the women in church. It was a great experience for everyone but especially nice for Everly and me. We had hours of one-on-one time every day! I was deep in my master's program when Owen was 8 months old so really, I've never had mama-baby time like that. This age is just intense fun and those couple days were like a little summer vacation gift for us.
A little extra bonus - as if being on a tropical island for two weeks wasn't enough. ;)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Eight Month Photo Shoot - Outakes

We brought a bug back from Trinidad. Everly, Owen and I all were pretty miserable last week. Owen had the worst of it with super high fevers and an ear infection. Everly had a little fever too so I've been monitoring both of them since - just to keep an eye on things. Owen caught this scene on my camera after Everly's eight month photo shoot. Ever wasn't too happy but thankfully those ear thermometers are fast.
Not a bad photo for a 2.5 year old.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Eight Happy Months!

At eight months Everly:
- has two teeth! Thankfully she's not prone to biting because those babies are sharp.
- has her first passport stamp! And she'll be getting her second in just a few days.
- still loves her three naps and early bedtime.
- is showing more and more interest in eating 'our' food. She'll give anything a few nibbles but prefers to smoosh it around her tray after a bit.
- is getting faster at her belly scooting. But overall she's a content child and will happily stay in one place for awhile.
- babbles and laughs most of her awake time.
- is just about the perfect size and weight to carry around on my hip. There is something so solid and smooshable about an 8 month old. I love carrying them around (once they're not too wiggly).
Happiest Eight Months sweetie pie!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We got back last night from two weeks in Trinidad.
It sounds cliche to say it but it was honestly life changing. I need to think about things for a while.
I also need to upload my iphone photos (since that's all I do right now) but here are a few from the flight home.
Ever, reading the instruction manual and Owen buckling the seat belt. My kids are all about safety. I guess they learned from our trip down. Never know when the engine will catch fire again.
Yes, that really happened.
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