We are back now. Back from traveling to other lands, sleeping in other beds, riding in other cars, being awake at other times, eating other foods, meeting other people, seeing other sights, experiencing more life.
It has been one of the most wonderful summers and I wish I could do some sort of mind meld with everyone to let them experience the places and faces and smells and tastes.
And most importantly the deep change that we took home as a souvenir.
It's a season of change anyway, right? And if nothing else gets branded in my spirit from these trip this will: God is sovereign.
That phrase changes everything. Absolutely nothing is left untouched.
It sums up our travels.
(Heck, it makes sense of our past and defines our future. But that's for another day.)
I'll try to show some pictures (from the few that I took between toting a baby and running with a toddler) and summarize our fun. But it's safe to say that more important things happened then seeing giraffes or eating gelato. Although that was fun...and yum. Gelato...mmmmm.
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