These big eyes.
It's hard to resist snuggling such a sweet, round face.
So I don't.
"He is a darling sweet baby, isn't he? It is so nice to have him all warm and safe, curled up against your chest, I know. But don't worry one bit. You will never believe the joy that watching him grow can bring. The exponential growth of happiness that will occur as he learns new things, as he communicates his thoughts to you, as you see him figure out his world and learn to be his own little person. The immensity of your feelings will drown out any small sorrow that occurs as he graduates from stage to stage. You'll look back and be grateful for this baby time. So very grateful. But the present is too sweet for any bitter to creep in. So...snuggle this little bundle in peace and don't fret about time passing. Once these hormone levels even out, life will look much clearer and you'll start to see the beauty of growing up."