Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Owen!

Three today, my wonderful Owen.  I wish I could go back and have a little chat with myself in those first few days after you were born.  I remember that first week...I would cry and cry while I held your little baby body all snuggled up to me...wishing that I could keep you that tiny and precious.  Wishing that I could stretch the day out longer or that I could freeze time.  

If I could go back I'd wipe those tears away and pat my arm and say, 
"He is a darling sweet baby, isn't he?  It is so nice to have him all warm and safe, curled up against your chest, I know.  But don't worry one bit.  You will never believe the joy that watching him grow can bring.  The exponential growth of happiness that will occur as he learns new things, as he communicates his thoughts to you, as you see him figure out his world and learn to be his own little person.  The immensity of your feelings will drown out any small sorrow that occurs as he graduates from stage to stage.   You'll look back and be grateful for this baby time.  So very grateful.  But the present is too sweet for any bitter to creep in.  So...snuggle this little bundle in peace and don't fret about time passing.  Once these hormone levels even out, life will look much clearer and you'll start to see the beauty of growing up."
Life with you, Owen, is a gift.   I am very grateful that our God, who planned your life before time began, who defined you and set your heart and your path, gave us the job of stewarding your early years.  

Keep on growing and growing and running and stretching and trying and talking and loving and sharing and learning and singing and jumping and making messes and cleaning up and being you.  

Because I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Emily! He is indeed such a wonderful little boy. He will always be very dear to me and I carry him in my heart with joy as he grows to become the man God ordained him to be. Happy birthday Owen! you're aunty Gina loves you very much!! look forward to the day I see you again in person and give you lots of hugs and kisses!


Hi there!