I’m sorry for not posting in so long. I’ve had some serious battles with my computer this week trying to get photos to upload, the internet to work, my mouse to move. The typical “my computer hates me” experience. But I found a partial way around it. I posted some of my photos to Picasa and then downloaded them at work and am blogging here! (Don’t worry – I’ll work extra time to make up for my slacking.)
You might notice that we also didn’t post the weekly podulation pic. I was traveling this weekend, visiting my family in PA. I got back on Sunday after dark and since then I haven’t been home while it’s light outside. Ahhh…the shortening day. I may be able to take one tomorrow but it will be really late. Let’s just pretend it was taken last Sunday.
So I was up in PA to visit the family both because I took the summer off from traveling AND because the girls were going out to shop for some baby clothes! They were appalled at how not ready I am at this point but no worries – once Jon and I get started we are quite the team. We’ll be ready in no time. Plus, I do have about four months left!
On Saturday we went to the last day of the town fair.
Here's dad in front of some of the fair tents.

The big attraction that day was the baby parade. Kids dress up as…
pizza slices…and other things and travel through town. Jon has strong feelings about dressing our children up like pizza...but I'll leave that for later.

Unfortunately it was really raining, so no actual parade, but we did go to see the judging in one of the tents. Afterwards mom and dad and I walked through town getting fair food for lunch. An egg roll (yum), a steak sandwich, a grilled cheeseburger (think grilled cheese sandwich with a hamburger patty) and an ice cream waffle. Yeah – we split most of it three ways…

I had better pictures…but see above excuse as to why they are not here.
By the way…stay tuned! The
50th post is coming up and Jon and I have a surprise to celebrate our first tiny blogging milestone