Jon's last post gave our gentle readers a little taste of our early Christian days. I'm fairly certain that there now exists an urgent demand (from our 8 subscribers and 6 follower - hi Mom) for an update! Who are we now that there are no flashing, spinning, or blinking links on the blog? So here is my stab at connecting the dots. Oh, and I added a little link of my own. Look who's the html wizard now.
That last post unleashed a flood of memories, mostly happy scenes of our early days, weeks, and months together. Months critical to not only the formation of our life together but also to our faith.
We were fiery. Consumed, eager, hot, chomping at the bit, willing to jump, longing to be let loose on the world, sure of our role. Impetuous in many ways.
The early blush of love is a massive force. Under its influence you willingly belt out off-key songs on national television (or build a website with every flashing link known to man). Possibly not the most effective use of your romantic energy, but accepted lovingly by the object of your affection, possibly with a tear or two.
Then, as if to test the true intentions of our faith, Jon and I were taken through some seriously dark circumstances, where it seemed that the beautiful reality around us had been a mirage. Trust me. Everything that could be shaken, was. We were left with only faith, hope, and love. (and that is not meant to sound nice or cute - that is ALL we had, and hope was starting to fray a bit.)
Just as it seems we had hit the nadir we turned around and realized that actually, truth was closer now than ever before, closer than if life had continued. And adversity had a secondary benefit...greater maturity.
The initial explosion of heat and light has left, in its place, something stronger, deeper, more lasting: passion. Still consuming, but measured now by the glow of a life's work, not a moment's sparkle. Still eager, but paced and steady. Still willing, but strategic.
Even more importantly, we were not alone.
We are EC. A global borderless kingdom community.
Feel free to check out our new link for more info!