Owen and I have been attempting to take advantage of the little pockets of snow we get each week. Last week, after trying and trying and trying to make a snowman (or snowball - I'm not an overachiever) out of the dry, dry, fluffy, powder snow, we gave up, came in and made hot chocolate and peanut butter crackers, bien sur!
Owen helped me whisk in the hot chocolate powder and spread peanut butter on the crackers. Mostly on the crackers. Then, sitting at the dining room table we had another of those Mama/Owen conversations that I love so much. See the text below. I’ve added a bit of continuity to the story since I had to continually interrupt him and verify key components (i.e. make sure that ‘whining’ wasn’t ‘running’) and to laugh - he was so serious, especially about the helicopter. It went something like this (but took muuuch longer to tell)...
Owen’s snack time story
One time there were some kids...in red shirts...in a car.
They were whining. (we don’t like whining around here.)
Whining sound effects - whawahwhawah.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! <---- Owen’s laughter.
The drove away - RrrRMmm,rRrrmMmm.
The police came.
Then, a helicopter rescued Pop-pop (my dad) from the tree he was stuck in.
Let that be a lesson to us all. Whining gets you no where. Except maybe jail.
And my father really shouldn't be climbing trees.
unless of course there is a helicopter around :-)