I love this second one. It's not the best picture but I almost feel like I get a glimpse into her future. So beautiful.

Ever is one month old! 32 days (plus a few more now)? Really - you've been here that long? I've had 32 days to hold you and cuddle you, sleep with you in my arms, spend time just watching you discover the world around you, learn your different cries?
Things about Ever's first month.
- She has a very gentle temperament.
- She sleeps as if it's going out of style. (please let it not be going out of style)
- She can spit up more than any baby I've ever dealt with.
- She loves to be held and warm.
- She has a rarely heard, but pretty intense warrior scream. The kind preceded by no sound for a few seconds beforehand.
So...basically she is just like her mother. (Except for the spit up part). :)
I love her so much.
I'm thinking about documenting her first year in a different way than Owen's. I like the last picture on the blanket - I might use that...feel free to weigh in though.
Oh, Emily! She's so beautiful! I love these pictures...and I think you're right. The blanket picture will be unique to Everly. Can't WAIT to see her (and, of course, Owen...AND you & Jon *wink*)