Owen calculating the dimensions of his birthday surprise while at Home Depot. Stay tuned. (dun dun dun!)
Ever staying warm and sleepy in the Maya wrap while we walked around the lake.
It's snowing for real (finally) outside. I was just about to gather up little Everly and head to our warm, comfy bed when I noticed that she'd already fallen asleep. I guess the rhythm of the dishwasher was enough to knock her out in her bouncy seat. Not wanting to wake my small beauty I thought I'd post a few random thoughts that have been bouncing in my head.
1) Being a mom is way, way, way, way more fun/adventuresome/amazing/fulfilling then I could ever have imagined. I am so thrilled to wake up every morning to the little greeting, "hi mama!". I love how much Owen is growing every day. He started asking "you ok?" if I look wounded in any way. It melts my heart. He turned to me and patted my arm while we were reading stories and then told me he loved me. My heart swells so much every time we have one of those moments - telling stories, cuddle time, hearing him get excited about 'open gym'. I knew that I didn't understand the gushing of other parents when they'd recount those stories - now I know. And now...I have officially gushed. Motherhood is amazing.
But it is true - you get out what you put in. New parents: gear up for feats of patience, revel in thinking through and processing your (and their) responses to situations, stretch your sacrificing muscles, dust off your creative skills, discover new levels of energetic enthusiasm, and understand that you will be humbled in the process. Over and over.
And relax. It's going to be ok. Try again and get it right next time.
2) I love babies. Ah!!! I love baby wearing. I love co-sleeping. True - it's not for everybody. Also true - each child is different. Also, also true - we're still figuring everything out. But for now, for us, for me it is good. I'm finally content to let all the voices in, and out, and make an informed decision (with Jon) about how WE will do things. Big exhale.
3) God is good. (Owen loves to say this). His role in the intimate details of our life is overwhelmingly large and undeniable. I will do a better job of giving credit where credit is due on this space.
4) Regarding this blog. It's going to get a makeover.
I'm not really cut out for facebook or twitter. I think maybe I'm too shy. Can I have a public blog and say that I'm too shy for twitter? Maybe what I mean is that I can't take the immediacy of online interaction.
Anyway. I have a blog. And I also read a fair number of blogs. Blogs about mothers with five children who find time to sew amazing, beautiful clothing and be crafty. (don't believe me? Check out No Big Dill). Blogs about artist mothers in NYC. Blogs about design. About fancy singles and regular parents. It's kind of addicting to peak into other people's lives. Virtual voyeurism. After awhile though you start to feel like you (I) need to be 'that'. A crafty, photogenic, energetic, funny, trendy bloggerbot who posts twice a day and calls their following 'cuties' or 'dear readers'.
There is nothing wrong with that (mostly) but it's not me, or us, or this blog.
This blog is for Owen and Everly and any other children we have. So they can look back and see how amazing their parents really were. Or, if that's not the case (gasp!), they can at least have a chronological record of their cuteness.
It's also for their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Distance stinks. But thanks to the wonderfulness of the interweb that same chronological cuteness record is theirs for the viewing.
If you don't fall into one of those categories I'd suggest a) marrying into the family or b) pursuing adoption options. Kidding! (Oh, stop the funny!)
As of now we're ok with virtual voyeurism here. It'd be nice to get a comment once a year or so...but we have google analytics so we know where you live anyway. (jokes! again! see kids, your mama WAS funny!) Just don't expect a thrill ride. Or craft tutorials. Or many awesome recipes. Or too many good pictures. Or for me to sew clothing. It might not happen and I'd hate to disappoint anyone.
Aaaaaaannnndddd....Ever's awake. So now...I'm going to bed.
First! (Ha.)
ReplyDeleteI'm such a blog stalker - I read religiously but never post on any of them. But, you should know that you are on my iGoogle home page, right below Cakewrecks, so I read almost as soon as you post - and love them all. I also try to be a blog conduit for the luddites (who shall remain nameless) who love to see the pics and read your comments but don't have their own internet.
Whenever I read your posts I feel like a slacker for not having a blog of my own. I guess my kids will have no idea if they were cute - although I'm sure they will have no problem figuring out that their parents were clueless. :)
Give your beautiful darlings big smooches from me and tell them to stop getting bigger until I see them again.
Here's a comment: I appreciate your courage and your confidence as a mother. I constantly find myself defending our life choices (out loud or otherwise) even while I wish to myself that I was bold enough to just NOT CARE if others judge us. So what if we sleep with our baby? So what if I breastfeed my 10-month-old? But, alas, it is difficult to ignore the haters. So, even though this is not the intent of your blog, know anyway that today you encouraged a self-doubting mama :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. Your children are beautiful! But, you already know that :)
Here's to hoping that someday I'll be as cool as you!! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh wait, I already don't share recipes, take fabulous photos, exude creativity around every turn or sew. So perhaps I am already as cool as you?? :) - lol.
Seriously though, love these little peeks into the normalcy yet beauty and strength of your every day life. Makes me wish I was always there :)
I second what Anna said! I go in spurts where I check your blog frequently, then miss a while, suddenly remember it exists, and have a blast reading back through a bunch of posts to catch up. :) This happens to be one of those "catch up" times.
ReplyDeleteI love reading the blog -- the beauty and thoughtfulness of your everyday life. And even though we see the kids about once a week, I love that glimpse into their weekdays and to be able to chart their growth. Love the Phillips family! :)
Yes, we all hope to be as cool as you one day!! :)