A few days ago Jon and I opened up the images that Gbenga sent us from our shoot. There were hundreds and about every 3 or so there would be ooooing and ahhhing or an enthusiastic "I love that one!"
Maybe it's because we've known Gbenga for years and feel a real, true kinship with him. It's probably that and a mix of his natural skill but, and I've said this before, he manages to capture us. The little threads of life that normally would only be seen by our family as we weave in and out of normal life. I feel almost as if I touched the images they would pop and you'd be able to smell the moment - the pure love, the excitement about our journey, the hilarity built on years of (usually stupid) inside jokes, the frustration of being two, the comfort of family, the tiredness of babies, the care of siblings.
I only want to show a few here but I could bombard you for days.
These are a few of the black and white shots.


Journey: in it together.

Love: Father and son. Maybe my favorite shot?

Joy: We only do this once. Might as well love it. (and these three make that easy)
We don't get paid for this...in fact, we pay him! And just in case you want to pay him too...Describe Photography.
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