(I continue to be obsessed with wanting to eat Ever up. I call her sweet cheeks, honey bun, sugar pie, honey pie, sweetie baby, dumpling...and I could go on.)
She reached the half-year mark with style last week and partied it up by starting back on three naps a day. Probably a growth spurt but I like to think she's doing it for me.
At six months Ever:
- Is starting to sit up on her own. Meaning, she will stay in a seated position when placed there. For about 15 seconds. Then she slumps over into this adorable heap of melty baby fat and drool.
- Loves to cuddle. Right up on your chest is preferred, but she's happy being held any which way. Jon likes the one handed, up over his head hold.
- Loves to be outside. Stroller rides will keep her quiet and occupied for over an hour.
- Still laughs hard at everything Owen does. The rest of us get an occasional pity chuckle.
- I'm waiting on the solid foods for a few more weeks - but this little chunker knows how to eat...no worries there. No teeth yet either - and not too much drool - but EVERYTHING goes in Ever's mouth. And gets bitten. So the teeth must be close.
- Discovered fake coughing last week and high pitched screaming this week. And singing. All the time with the singing. It's awesome.
Aaaaand...writing this post has made me miss her. Silly me. So smitten. I'm going to go to bed so that I can be closer to her.
Happy Half Year! (sweetie pie - as Owen says. Guess he got that one from me too. I blame it on my sweet tooth.)
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