Monday, June 11, 2012


Yesterday was hot - the perfect type of afternoon to test out the new-to-us sprinkler we were given by our neighbor.

The water was pretty icy - increasing the pitch of the squeals - but kids don't seem to care too much about cold water.  I guess aging causes us to determine a personal range of acceptable temperatures.  Pity.  Sometimes icy is fun.  Owen was the bravest one of us.  He stood right up next to the water and let it soak him.

The kids and I held hands and counted, "one...twoooo...thREEE!" and ran through the water screaming.  Even Ever tried to count.  

Sweet Ever.  We all kicked the red ball back and forth through the water.  Sometimes, on her turn, the ball would end up a little too close to the spray.  But she would stick it out - squatting down with her eyes squinted - trying her best to get chubby little fingers on that ball while being pelted with water.  She'd toddle to over to me, "wet...shirr.." translation:  my face is wet, could you wipe it off with your shirt?

But she certainly didn't object...given the number of times I had to wipe off that adorable face.

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