Yes - it is almost week 20. But here is the week 19 picture. We were helping our friends Mark and Marcia move to their new appartment on Sunday so we didn't have time to get a picture. Marcia is pregnant with their first child and her due date was the date of the move! Thankfully the baby decided to wait until they got fully settled in. He's still not here...but any day!!
We took this picture early Monday morning. Apparently the flash wasn't working so well - you can tell the picture is dark. We're playing around with getting a brighter shot right now but trust me, there isn't too much to see yet. Hopefully with fall right around the corner we will have a more conducive environment for podulation pictures.
We took this picture early Monday morning. Apparently the flash wasn't working so well - you can tell the picture is dark. We're playing around with getting a brighter shot right now but trust me, there isn't too much to see yet. Hopefully with fall right around the corner we will have a more conducive environment for podulation pictures.

The baby is moving around more and more. He hasn't done any strong kicking yet - still just rolling around and twisting, but I can see a little growth every day so I'm sure strong kicks are just around the corner!
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