Warning. Ever-fest ahead.

Really though, how could I pick just one?
Everly is five months old. (What? Why??)
- is finally on a schedule. I wasn't rushing her but she seems to have settled into a three nap routine. Works for all of us - although some of her naps end up in a wrap - walking around the lake, playing on the playground, or at Giant. 2nd children...
- is working really hard on sitting up. She does great spending time on her stomach now that she has something resembling back muscles. She sits up straighter when we hold her and does that sllloooww baby fall to the side (instead of slumping into a puddle) when we let her sit on her own.
- pulls everything to her mouth. Bowls, hair, toys, cats, Owen, etc. Pre-teething? I'm guessing a tooth with show up this or next month.
- still loves to be sung to. And to 'sing'. Her happiest smile still includes a wrinkled up nose - it's adorable.
- laughs at everything Owen does. Even when he's 'yelling' at her.
- makes me so, so, so, so happy.
she is stinking cute and makes for good procrastination.