If at first you don't succeed, right?
These two are still figuring out how to deal with each other. (ok...you put your left arm there and I'll...no...wait...falling...ok, try getting your right arm higher. Let's switch sides, ok, kinda better like that...nope...still falling.)
I probably helps that Everly is getting older and bigger (sturdier). It probably doesn't help that one week I'm like "DON'T wrestle with your sister, she's too delicate" and the next week she's trying to take him down.
Trying to figure out what you can and can't do with a growing baby is tough for a toddler.
He usually does great. Calls her 'sweetie pie' and pets her head. Says 'nap, nap Ever!' when she heads down for a nap.
Which reminds me.
I am really loving that they are on separate nap schedules. She sleeps in the morning and late afternoon and Owen naps right smack in the middle.
I know some parents want the synchronized naps and I totally get that.
But right now it means that I get a good chunk of one-on-one time with each child everyday. That's worth being tired and have a kitchen full of dirty dishes at night.
Especially to have leisurely time to nurse and cuddle Ever. Without simultaneously having to sing the ABC song. Again.
So hooray for quiet time where I can nibble baby toes.
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