This week I'm writing five short tributes to endearing aspects of this quirky, charming little apartment that we've called home. Five little things that we will miss so much. Next week I'll do a series of things that we are so looking forward to in Baltimore - so stay tuned!
2) Highpoint's View
Every day we wake up and see this. It's a south facing view down the Potomac River toward Washington DC. It is stunning in the spring, summer, fall, or winter.

Talk about a view that nourishes and inspires the soul. When Jon and I drove up the driveway for the very first time and saw the river I thought for sure that we were in the wrong place. Now, each morning, on the way down, I pause for a second when the river comes into view - just to appreciate the day and the beauty that I could easily take for granted.
Almost 2,000 morning since we move in, I can't get tired of this view, and probably never would.
And this is just one of the scenes from our unique perch.
How awesome is that?
I've always like the view from Joya's front porch as well. It's almost surreal... it's like a painting that explodes in front of your very eyes. It's hard to believe that about 20 yards in front of you is a 300 foot drop into the Potomac. Amazing